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Australian Bush Flower Essences Blog
Australian Bush Flower Essences

How do Australian Bush Flower Essences work?

Australian Bush Flower Essences aim to improve how a person feels and to correct those potential imbalances that may block continuous progress. The development and/or reversal of debilitating emotional and physical tensions can result in the freeing up of those life energies that were spent on maintaining the unhealthy status quo.
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Why ask for a consultation?

Self-diagnosis is a very tricky undertaking. Most people are aware only of something not being right or being out of kilter. The descriptions of the individual essences and frequently used combinations can be very useful and can act as a worthy introduction to Australian Bush Flower Essences.
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Do Australian Bush Flower Essences address only our mental health, or do they also work on a physical level?

Australian Bush Flower Essences do affect physical health too apart from emotional imbalances. They can do so, directly and indirectly. They can be used to regulate the functions of the glands comprising the Endocrine System.
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How much time do Australian Bush Flower Essences need to act, how long-term are the effects and how long does treatment typically last?

From a very wide variety of perspectives, life can be seen as a balancing act. Because of the large number of factors involved, and the dynamic and systematic interplay among them, a broad range of things can get out of kilter. The fundamental purpose and potential of using Australian Bush Flower Essences is to re-balance these identifiable imbalances.
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Can Australian Bush Flower Essences help children and teenagers?

Children and teenagers can definitely benefit from taking Australian Bush Flower Essences. All of us are constantly bombarded by mostly irrelevant, superficial and useless information, advertising etc. Developing the skill of being in the ´Here and Now´ at will is essential for anyone who wants to do anything efficiently and effectively.
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Can Australian Bush Flower Essences be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

In my experience, Australian Bush Flower Essences can play a pivotal role in providing effective emotional support, during pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal period.
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Would you work with persons diagnosed with chronic health conditions or with a history of mental illness?

I don't work with issues. Instead, I work with people who experience some challenges, that need to be processed and dealt with, not avoided, suppressed or ignored. As long as a person is willing to actively participate in the therapeutic process, much can improve.
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Why switch from Bach Flower Remedies to Australian Bush Flower Essences?

The range and variety of imbalances addressed by the Australian Bush Flower Essences are broader than the Bach Flower Remedies. Perhaps this is a sign of our times, but clearly, our lives have changed profoundly since their development in the past 90 years.
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